Caron Weidner, President- Eight Ball Sound, Inc
Caron Weidner, the President and founder of Eight Ball Sound, brings over 15 years of experience in the audio industry coming from a background of recording and mixing live bands and as an engineer in recording studios. Caron has created sound for over 75 top selling games and has won numerous awards, achieving both critical and commercial success. "I started working on computers way back when you had to draw pictures by plotting out the pixel coordinates in code. I took a computer games course in junior high (yes we really had one at my school) and became addicted to Pac Man on the Apple II. After that I was hooked. Back then there really wasn't a career in sound for games so I never thought I would end up being able to work in this business." At age 22, Caron moved to Los Angeles, CA and was instrumental in the launch of the new media venture Soundelux Media Labs, now known as Soundelux Design Music Group. In addition to bringing in new clients, she worked as sound editor/designer on games for Activision and Interplay, on trailers for films such as Braveheart, The Quick and The Dead and Rob Roy, and on commercials for clients such as The Coca-Cola Company, Pepsi and Nike. Caron later worked for The Lightspan Partnership in Carlsbad, CA as Interactive Audio Specialist. While at Lightspan, she expanded the sound facilities, played a key role in enhancing the sound quality of their titles and designed sound effects and dialog for more than a dozen CD-ROM and PSX titles. Caron founded Eight Ball Sound in 1996, working on award winning titles such as Baldur's Gate, Bladerunner, Star Trek: Star Fleet Academy and Fallout. In 2000, she won an MPSE Golden Reel award for her work on Starlancer. More award winning and critically acclaimed titles followed such as Enter the Matrix, Jak II, Jak 3 and Jak X: Combat Racing. Caron has been very involved in the industry, serving on the board of the Audio Engineers Society of Los Angeles, was former Technology Chair for Women in Film of Los Angeles, and was Advertising Chair and Co-President-Elect of the International Interactive Communications Society of Los Angeles. She developed curriculum and taught the Advanced Film Sound course at Art Center in Pasadena and has written articles in trade magazines such as Filmmaker and Variety. She keeps up to date with current technology, and often beta tests for audio manufacturers, frequently recommending ways of improving products prior to release. As President of Eight Ball Sound, she utilizes her many levels of expertise to create movie quality soundtracks, making your game stand out from the crowd. |
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